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Best Books For Madhya Pradesh PSC (MPPSC) Exam

The Madhya Pradesh PSC has announced the notification for recruiting the candidates for the various posts. They create the better job opportunity for the job seekers. The applicants timely visit the official site of the MPPSC and get the latest notification about the exam. The Book List for Madhya Pradesh PSC is very important for the candidates to score good marks in the exam. You can first get the book list first and then start to buy the better one that doesn’t hurt your budget. The PSC exam books are available only at the best price. You can also buy the second handed books for your convenience. Some stores sell the second handed books at the cheap price. You can visit the store and get the best books for your preparation. You can access the exam syllabus and then start to buy the books. With the books, you can score good marks in the exam.

Access book list:

With the advent of the technology, the people always ready to search the internet to find the book list for different public service commission exam today. This is the best part of preparing the competitive exam in a great way. So, you access the perfect list and then go to buy the books from the right store.

Name of the subjectName of the bookAuthor nameDetails
Madhya Pradesh PSC prelims book
General studiesIntroduction to Indian ConstitutionD.D BasuThe books contains more details about the Indian constitution.
Comparative PoliticsR. chilkoteThe students know the current politics details of the Indian government and other
History of Political thoughtJ.P SudaThis is best gaining the ancient and current history of Indian
General aptitudeG.K. & G.SR.P SharmaThe book contains enough general questions and others.
MPPSC General Aptitude Test PaperArihant expertsThe book come up with the tips and tricks for the general apt.
Madhya Pradesh PSC mains book
General studies ( paper I)Modern Political TheoryMadan gandhiThe books provide the present details about the modern indian politics.
Ancient IndiaD.D. kausambi’sWith this type of book, one can perfectly everything about Indian
General studies( paper II)General ScienceNCERT publicationThe book provides general details of the technology and science
Indian EconomyRamesh singhYou can know the economic details about the Indian government.
General hindi( paper II)M.P. G.KHindi granth academyThe shows how to prepare the G.k questions.
Bharat Ki RajvayvasthaM. laxmikanthThe students get different types of hindi essay.
One optional subject (paper IV)Foundations of Indian Political thoughtV.R. mehtaThe book offers the basic information of the Indian politics.
Modern Political TheoryS.P. VermaThe modern theory books give different question pattern.
One optional subject (paper VI)Indian GeographyMahesh Varnawal & KhullarIt manages the ancient and present geography details of India
Indian world HistoryJain & MathurOne can know ideal history about the Indian government in past and present as well.

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