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Information about International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)

The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is providing the World Championship Mathematics Competition for High School students and is held yearly in a different country. The first IMO was held in 1959 in Romania, with 7 Nations taking an interest.

This is gradually expanded to more than 100 countries from 5 continents. The IMO Advisory Board guarantees that the competition takes place every year and that each host nation observes the regulations and traditions of the IMO.

The International Olympiad of Mathematics is a test of capability and proficiency of students in Mathematics.This exam is held every year at the national and international levels.

This exam is based on syllabus prescribed by ICSE / CBSE and the State Boards.Apart from the syllabus, a part of test paper is based on mental capacity and thinking of participants.For the purpose of regulating this Mathematics Olympiad exam, our country has been divided into 16 regions.

Education Qualification for IMO

From Class 1 to 12th Students are eligible to participate in this exam.

The Mathematical Olympiad programme consists of five stages


The examination is conducted on the following base
For Classes 1st to 2nd

  • Total no of Question: 30
  • Time Duration: 60 Minutes

For Classes 3rd to 12th

  • Total no of Question: 40
  • Time Duration: 60 Minutes *

In case of a Tie for the closing ranks then a Tie-Breaking Mechanism shall be applied 


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