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Best Books for Orissa PSC (OPSC) Exam

The Orissa Public service commission announced the latest OPSC exam notification for filling the various posts. It is one of the important exams the candidates who are searching for the government job in the UP state. If you are waiting for the government exam then you can apply for the notification. In the official website, you can get the online application form. You can apply the Orissa PSC application form before the last date.

These days, most of the websites are offering the previous year question paper and e-book for the OPSC exam preparation. Before two or three months of the entrance exam, you can start preparing and score good mark in the examination. The previous year question papers help the candidate to know the pattern for the entrance exam. Here you can get the top book list for Orissa public service commission prelims and main exam. It helps you to score maximum mark in the examination.  You can purchase these books online for competitive exam preparation.

1) History of India & National Movement for Civil services by jigeesh’s: Click here

2) How to Prepare for DATA INTERPRETATION for CAT: Click here

3) General English for All Competitive Examinations by S.C: Click here

4) Assistant Section Officer (A.S.O) for Odisha Secretariat Service Exam (Free Odisha Objective): Click here

5) OPSC General Studies Paper I Preliminary Examination: Click here

6) OPSC General Studies Paper II Preliminary Examination: Click here

7) OPSC 20 Practice Sets General Studies Paper I Pre Examination: Click here

8) Objective General English by SP Bakshi: Click here

9) Quantitative Aptitude for competitive Examinations by R.S Agarwal: Click here

Name of the SubjectName of the BooksAuthors NameDetails
Orissa PSC Preliminary exam books list
History of IndiaIndia’s Struggle for IndependenceBipin ChandraIt is the best book for the PSC exam preparation that covers lot of question in History.
Ancient IndiaRS Sharma
General Mental abilityQuantitative Aptitude and Verbal ReasoningR.S.Agarwal’sThese books help the candidate to score maximum mark on the entrance exam
Data interpretationArun Sharma
Indian PoliticIndian PoliticsM LaxmikanthIt helps you to learn about the Indian politics.
Our ConstitutionSubhas Kashyap
Indian EconomyIndian economyRamesh SinghThe book covers the entire topic in Economic which is important for the competitive exam.
Indian EconomyDutt and Sundharam
Logical reasoning and analytical abilityArithmeticR.S AgarwalLearn everything from the logical reasoning to arithmetic.
Current affairsCurrent affairsMade Easy teamThe book provide the best solution to every questions. you can know the exam pattern of the prelims exam.
Orissa PSC mains exam books list
Indian polityIndian Polity and governancePanchayati RajIt covers the different topic in the polity such as Indian governance, polity, and others.
General EnglishGeneral English for PSC, and all competitive examS.C. GuptaEvery page comes with the lot of the questions so the candidate can get the unique idea of the questions type.
geographyPhysical geography and Human geographyGoh Cheng LeongThe book is useful for the PSC exam preparation.
Indian historyModern Indian HistoryB.L. GroverThe book contain Indian history that help you understand every topic easily.
Peasant Movements in IndiaD.N. Dhanagare
Other books  You can use these books for prelims and main exam preparation that help you clear this entrance exam.
OPSC general studies paper – IIBK Editorial Board
BK’s Odisha Objective General KnowledgeSangram Keshari Rout

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