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Chartered Accountant

About Chartered Accountant

Chartered Accountant (CA) are professional people. Chartered Accountant work in the field of business and finance. Chartered Accountant job encompasses areas like financial accounting, audits, taxation, company law and general management of companies.

Chartered Accountant can either work as self-employed professionals, or work as employees in private or public sector. As an employee, a Chartered Accountant’s basic job is to maintain accounts, complying the administrative requirements and provide inputs on financial managements.

As a professional, Chartered Accountant do financial audits, give financial advice to the company, organisation or individual, mergers and acquisitions and male management reports giving suggestions after compulsory audits, advice the clients on tax planning.

A Chartered Accountant is one who is specialised in accounting, taxation and auditing. Chartered Accountant additionally serves as a management and corporate caretaker. In recent times, an Accountancy has become popular as a profession. The services of a Chartered Accountant is required in money matters even in a small Business or Companies .

Moreover according to the Company Act only Chartered Accountant’s in professional practice are permitted to be appointed as auditors of Business or Companies in India. A chartered accountant is a professional person who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India after having passed the Final exam of the Chartered Accountancy Course which is conducted by the institute (ICAI).

In the industry Chartered Accountant’s are generally found in the higher positions of the finance division and accounting department at all levels. Besides the regular role Chartered Accountant’s are involved with planning and financial strategies, managing pension funds and long-term investments, preparing prospectuses for share issues, investigation of prospective investments, merger or takeover.

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