1. The first English Captain to disembark at Surat and who also visited the Court of Emperor Jahangir at Agra was A. John Mildenhall B. Thomas Stephens C. Ralph Fitch D. Hawkins
Table of Contents
Toggle2. Which one of the following statements is not correct A. Jahangir ruled without a vakil for a long time B. Office of Vakil assumed importance during the later part of Aurangzeb’s reign C. Akbar separated the revenue and Financial powers from the office of Vakil D. The Vakil was a prestigious office in rank and dignity
3. Which of the following territories were restored to the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II by the English A. Bihar and Orissa B. Kara and Allahabad C. Avadh and Orissa D. 24 Paraganas
4. The author of the Das Bodh written during the Maratha period was A. Ramdas B. Tukaram C. Dadaji Konddeva D. Eknath
5. As a part of dowry on the marriage of Princess Catherine of Braganza with Charles I, Bombay was given to the British by the A. Danes B. Dutch C. Spaniards D. French
6. Who among the following was not a member of the Congress Socialist Party, although he encouraged and blessed its formation A. Jayaprakash Narayan B. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Acharya Narendra Dev D. Achyuta Patwardhan
7. During the 17th Century, the trade between India and Java was dominated by the A. Portuguese B. English C. Dutch D. French
8. The economic policy of the British in India was to A. Bring India to the level of Western countries B. Industrialise India C. Convert India into an agrarian satellite of metropolitan capitalism D. Promote the material prosperity of the Indians
9. Who among the following sons of Aurangzeb sought the help of Marathas against his father A. Azam B. Akbar C. Kambakhsha D. Muazzam
10. Rani Gaidiliu, a rebel leader against the British was from A. Nagaland B. Tripura C. Assam D. Manipur
Answer: 35 1. D) Hawkins 2. B) Office of Vakil assumed importance during the later part of Aurangzeb’s reign 3. B) Kara and Allahabad 4. A) Ramdas 5. C) Spaniards 6. B) Jawaharlal Nehru 7. C) Dutch 8. C) Convert India into an agrarian satellite of metropolitan capitalism 9. B) Akbar 10. A) Nagaland
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History Gk Questions for SSC Exam
1. The first English Captain to disembark at Surat and who also visited the Court of Emperor Jahangir at Agra was
A. John Mildenhall
B. Thomas Stephens
C. Ralph Fitch
D. Hawkins
2. Which one of the following statements is not correct
A. Jahangir ruled without a vakil for a long time
B. Office of Vakil assumed importance during the later part of Aurangzeb’s reign
C. Akbar separated the revenue and Financial powers from the office of Vakil
D. The Vakil was a prestigious office in rank and dignity
3. Which of the following territories were restored to the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II by the English
A. Bihar and Orissa
B. Kara and Allahabad
C. Avadh and Orissa
D. 24 Paraganas
4. The author of the Das Bodh written during the Maratha period was
A. Ramdas
B. Tukaram
C. Dadaji Konddeva
D. Eknath
5. As a part of dowry on the marriage of Princess Catherine of Braganza with Charles I, Bombay was given to the British by the
A. Danes
B. Dutch
C. Spaniards
D. French
6. Who among the following was not a member of the Congress Socialist Party, although he encouraged and blessed its formation
A. Jayaprakash Narayan
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Acharya Narendra Dev
D. Achyuta Patwardhan
7. During the 17th Century, the trade between India and Java was dominated by the
A. Portuguese
B. English
C. Dutch
D. French
8. The economic policy of the British in India was to
A. Bring India to the level of Western countries
B. Industrialise India
C. Convert India into an agrarian satellite of metropolitan capitalism
D. Promote the material prosperity of the Indians
9. Who among the following sons of Aurangzeb sought the help of Marathas against his father
A. Azam
B. Akbar
C. Kambakhsha
D. Muazzam
10. Rani Gaidiliu, a rebel leader against the British was from
A. Nagaland
B. Tripura
C. Assam
D. Manipur
Answer: 35
1. D) Hawkins
2. B) Office of Vakil assumed importance during the later part of Aurangzeb’s reign
3. B) Kara and Allahabad
4. A) Ramdas
5. C) Spaniards
6. B) Jawaharlal Nehru
7. C) Dutch
8. C) Convert India into an agrarian satellite of metropolitan capitalism
9. B) Akbar
10. A) Nagaland
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