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Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research in short form known as the ICAR was established on 16 July 1929. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) works under the DARE Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.

ICAR is an organisation which is for planning agricultural education and research in India. ICAR reports to the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture. The Union Minister of Agriculture work as president of ICAR.

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) organises an Entrance Examination for Admission to undergraduate (UG) Programmes every year. The courses offered by ICAR are Agricultural Engineering, Horticultural Science, Crop Science, Natural Resource Management, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Education, Administration, Knowledge Management, Finance and Animal science Fisheries Science.

There are 5 Universities running under Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

  • IARI- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
  • IVRI-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
  • SHIATS Allahabad.
  • NDRI Karnal Haryana
  • CIFE-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai Maharashtra

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