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International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)

International Mathematical Olympiad is the final stage for all selected students from the last four stage of this exam.In the final stage of this olympiad, the 6 member groups are selected at the end of International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp joined by a leader, a deputy leader and an observer represents the country at the International Mathematical Olympiad, held in July every year in an alternate member country of the IMO.

The IMO contest consists of two written tests hung on two continuous days. On every day of the contest, the test consists of three problems and goes on for 4 and 1/2 hours. India has been participating in the IMO since 1989.

The selection of the members of the Indian team for International Mathematical Olympiad will be liable to their fulfilling criteria, for example, age limit, medical fitness, parental consent, so on, as may be applicable. Specifically, the selected students have a valid passport meeting the visa regulations of the host country.

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) finances the expenses for international travel of the team.Students aiming to go through the Mathematical Olympiad programme leading to international participation should note that Regional Mathematical Olympiad is the first essential step for the programme.

To appear for the RMO, the students should connect with the Regional Mathematical Olympiad coordinator of their region well in advance for enrollment and payment of stipulated (nominal) fees.


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