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Arunachal Pradesh PSC (APPSC) Exam Books

Every year, the state government and central government offer different types of government exams to the candidates. For those who are looking for the PSC exam, the APPSC exam is best for them. They immediately go to search the important information about the exam and other details. They recruit the students for various posts across the state. This is best for the job seekers to gain the better job in the state of arunachal Pradesh. They recruit the candidates for the civil post and other post in the government sector. The public service commission conducts the recruitment in all the departments.

The candidates must have to keep up the complete graduate degree in any one of the stream. This is useful for the candidates to apply the recruitment quickly without any hassle. After applying the recruitment, you can find out the right book for making the preparation in a good way. The candidates know the educational qualification, age limit, and other details. They should keep in mind all kind of details at the time of applying the exam.

Buy the best books:

It is important for everyone to choose the right kind of books for the preparation purpose. In order to make the good preparation, you go to buy the best books that written by the well-known author. This is an important part for scoring the good marks in the exam. Now, there are different types of store willing to sell the best books for APPSC at an affordable price in the marketplace. You can go to pick up the one that best for your study purpose.

You can visit the online stores like Amazon, flipkart and other to buy the books. They come with the different category of the book that best for the exam preparation. You can find the Book List for Arunachal Pradesh PSC and know importance of it. It gives the huge benefit to grab the good score in the exam. You can take the good job and improve the career with the better salary job. So, the students prepare the exam with the right kind of the books. It is very important to buy the popular books.

1) APPSC General Studies and Mental Ability -[ TELUGU MEDIUM: Click here


3) General English Grammar: Click here

4) Comprehensive English Grammar & Composition: Click here


6) Indian Polity: Click here

7) India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra: Click here

Name of the subjectName of the bookAuthor namedetails
APPSC Prelims book
General knowledgeIndian PolityLaxmikantThis book contains political information about the Arunachal Pradesh state.
Indian Struggle for Independence for India HistoryBipin chandraThe book covers the major topics about the indian constitution and history.
Current Affairs and General KnowledgeVemula saidulu sirIt gives the current information about the central and state government.
APPSC mains book
General EnglishAPPSC MENTAL ABILITY-English mediumVijeta competitions editorial boardThe book contains lots of question about the general English and come up with the various concepts.
Comprehensive English Grammar & CompositionS.C guptaIt gives the perfect solution for the genraal English comprehension.
General English GrammarRamphal nainIt helps the students to score good marks in all competitive exam.

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