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Best books for International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)

IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) is an international competition for high school students that conducted annually to identify and support the mathematical creativity children in schools across the world. Are you preparing for the International Mathematics Olympiad? Do you worry about how to prepare well for the international competition? If so, we provide some of the best books for IMO preparation. In the heavy competitive world, it is vital to plan appropriately and wisely for the exam. You can find many books and study materials in both online and traditional store. Therefore, it is hard to choose the best books so that we are providing some best books for IMO preparation based on your requirements.

Name of the Subject

Name of the BooksAuthors Name


Logical reasoning

The Official Olympiads’ Book of ReasoningMTG Editorial BoardThis book designed for students appear for Mathematical Olympiad. It has solved example along with detail solution. It also has several practical questions
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal ReasoningDr. R.S AggarwalThe book contains both verbal and nonverbal reasoning questions with a hint. It boosts your logical reasoning skill

Mathematical reasoning

Inequalities: A Mathematical Olympiad ApproachRadmila Bulajich Manfrino, Jose Antonio Ortega, Rogelio Valdez DelgadoIt makes you understand both new and old method of algebraic inequality concepts easily
Functional Equations: A Problem Solving Approach – (Prism Books)B.J. VenkatachalamClear all concepts of functional equation easily
Number Theory Structures, Examples, and ProblemsTitu Andreescu, Dorin AndricaIt is an excellent book for number theory with examples and problems

Everyday mathematics

A Beautiful Journey Through Olympiad GeometryStefan LozanovskiAvail the book online for free to learn everything in Geometry
Problem Primer for the OlympiadsC.R. Pranesachar, B.J. Venkatachala, and C.S. YoganandaHelps students to prepare well for IMO
Proofs that Really Count (The Art of Combinatorial Proof)Benjamin and QuinnPerfect book to learn Combinatorics completely with solved examples

Achievers section

Problem Solving Strategies For Efficient And Elegant Solutions (A Resource For The Mathematics Teacher)Alfred S. Posamentier, Stephen KruliImproves your problem-solving skills
High school Olympiads trigonometryArt of problem-solvingIt helps you solve different levels of trigonometry questions quickly
Lecture Notes on Mathematical Olympiad CoursesXu JiaguIt helps you gain some in-depth and clear understandings of various mathematical section

Note: Mathematical reasoning, Everyday mathematics, and Achievers section have the same syllabus but their level of question is quite different.

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