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UPSC Civil Services Exam Interview Pattern

Third stage and final phase of the Civil Services Exam is called as the Personality Test (PT) / Interview. That Aspirant who will be qualified in Mains Exam only they will be able to participate in Civil Services Interview.

Personality Test (PT) / Interview carries 275 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks). The maximum marks for interview are 275. A score over 200 is considered a high score. Marks obtained by the Aspirant in the Mains Examination (written exam) as-well-as Personality Test (PT) / Interview would determine their final ranking. Aspirant will be allotted to the various services on their ranks in the Examination and the preferences expressed by them for the various services and posts.

Civil Services Personality Test will be held in the Union Public Service Commission office at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069. The schedule usually consists of 2 slots per day. The morning slot begins by 9 AM and the afternoon slot beings by 2 AM.

Interview board usually consist of 5 people. The chairperson sits in the center while the other members of the panel (senior officers/educationists, eminent personalities, psychologists,  etc.) are seated two sides of the chairperson. The chairperson begins with the questions and will guide the other members to continue the interview of an aspirant.

 The duration of the interview is approx 30 minutes -/+ 5 minutes. The range of questions will include questions on hobby and their practical application, why he/she wishes to join the civil services, aspirant’s opinion on international relations, current affairs, knowledge about candidate’s education,  optional subject, current/historic issues, issues of the state aspirant belongs to, etc. They may also provide the situation based question and seek the candidates’ opinion/response on the same.

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