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How to Prepare for Class 12 Board Exam

Do you want to score full marks in CBSE board exams but don’t know how to prepare for class 12 board examination? If so, MgiEdu is here to help you grasp the whole year’s curriculum in the best way to score high marks. In this article, we will share a few CBSE class 12 board exam preparation tips as suggested by experienced CBSE teachers and board exam toppers.

Right time to start preparation: Since every student has their own learning capabilities hence, we cannot decide when a student should start preparing for exams. In order to ignore disappointment at the time of exam results, the student should start their preparation now.

Timetable for easy preparation: Without proper study planning, it’s almost impossible to reach your target. Therefore, every student must prepare a proper study timetable and stick to the same to make an effective preparation for the upcoming CBSE board exams.

Adopt best study habits: To perform well in board exams, each student must adopt some important study habits which could help them stand in a queue of toppers such as creating an effective study plan and sticking to it, being punctual and disciplined, balancing their academic and personal life etc.

Sufficient time for self-study: After the school or coaching classes, every student must take out some time that he/she can devote completely for self-study to analyze and practice the topics read there. You must spare enough time in order to achieve some prefixed study targets.

Strategy for long answers: To avoid the terror of learning long answers during exams, the students should make a strategy to learn them like breaking them into small paragraphs or points, writing them on paper and relating to the real-life situations so as to retain them in the brain for a longer time.

Practice previous year papers: Students are always advised to solve more and more previous years’ question papers, especially when they are done with the revision of the whole syllabus. Practicing question papers helps to test your preparation level and know your strong and weak areas.

Take regular breaks: Avoid continuous study for long hours. Apart from that, you should take regular intervals after every 50 to 60 minutes for a minimum of 5 minutes to relax your mind and retrieve your energy to get ready for the next study session. They help to keep your brain focused and alert during the study.

Throw away exam fear: Fear, stress and nervousness will only obstruct your preparations and ultimately affect your performance in board exams. Hence, instead of taking the stress, start preparing for the exam with a relaxed mind. You just need to put in all your best efforts, the result will automatically come out to be the best.

Write exam appropriately: After your full preparation for the board exams, now it’s the time when your answer sheets must reflect your hard work. You must write every answer in the best way and complete the exam well on time. Make the best use of the 15 minutes reading time allotted before writing the exam.


How can I get good marks in 12 CBSE board exams?

  • Read and understand the question paper well.
  • Make the best use of the 15 minutes allotted for reading the question paper and make a rough plan for the questions.
  • Always start with the easy questions.
  • Try to maintain your speed avoiding silly mistakes.
  • Always keep an eye on your watch.
  • Do not spend too much time in a question for thinking about that.
  • Take 5-10 minutes before submitting and revise all your answers.

How to prepare for the board exam for class 12 Physics?

  • Always aim higher than what you actually want and take a little bit of stress because it can lead you to work harder and accomplish your goals.
  • Be regular in your studies and always follow a 3-D principle i.e. Discipline, Determination and Dedication.
  • Go through the NCERT at least twice.
  • Take previous year papers and practice them in an exam like environment that helps to develop your exam temperament better.

How can I score good marks in English in class 12 board exams?

  • Write your answers neatly, presentable and easily readable by underlining important points so that examiner does not spend much time on one paper.
  • Try to write precise answers for the comprehension part of 20 marks that can be easy to score.
  • Divide your time intelligently and prepare a timeline for each section. Answer two-mark questions with one word.

How many hours should I study for class 12 board exams?

  • Instead of just determining the study time in your head, make a proper subject-specific schedule and mark in your calendar so you can be reminded every time you look at it.
  • Locating a productive study environment where you can study more than just finding a quiet place.
  • It is important that you organize your study material in a way that makes it easy to access them.

How can I prepare myself for class 12 board exams?

  • Take enough time to study.
  • Well organize your study space.
    Try to learn everything in the form of diagrams and flow charts as it helps
  • to understand the things better.
  • Solve previous years’ question papers.
  • Make a study group with friends.
  • Take regular breaks for long-term retention of knowledge.
  • Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of water to keep your brain healthy and active.
  • Plan your exam day and get everything ready well in advance of the exam.


MgiEdu provides the best coaching classes for class 12 near me. We are known for our outstanding results in class 12th CBSE board exams. We help our students to grab more than 90 percent marks in their exams. We offer the best coaching for class 12 in Delhi with a well-experienced teacher having brilliant teaching skills. We are known to cover the entire syllabus timely.

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