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Indian History Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Civil Services Prelims Exam

1. The early copper plate grants of the Pallavas are in A. Tamil B. Sanskrit C. Prakrit D. Telugu

2. Consider the following statements: A. The ur in Pallavan times denoted a Brahmani-cal village assembly. B. Nadu was the basic political unit in Chola times. C. Devadanas were landgrants given directly to Brahmans by the Pallava kings. D. The sabha system of Pallavan times later developed into the variam system of governance.

Which of these statements are not correct? a) A, B and C b) B, C and D c) A and C d) B and D

3. The Hoyasala empire was founded by A. Ballala B. Vishnuvardhana C. Nirpakama D. Somesvara

4. The Chalukya queen who built the Jaina temple at Vijayawada was A. Kundala-mahadevi B. Kundavai C. Ayyana-mahadevi D. Silamahadevi

5. Consider the following statements on the Yadava period: A. The Mahanubhava sect was founded in 1273 by Dattatreya. B. Sunkhadhikari was the chief officer in charge of taxes. C. The most influential trade organisation was the Virabalanja, with its headquarters at Aihole. D. Mahabhandari was the officer in charge of the royal treasury.

Which of these statements are correct? a) A, B and C b) B, C and D c) A, B and D d) A, C and D

6. Who among the following made the city of Warangal his capital? A. Mahadeva B. Ganapatideva C. Rudra I D. Prataparudra

7. In the Chola administrative system, the sabha was A. The village court of justice B. A committee of people from all castes for the management of temple C. A committee of nattars D. An assembly of adult men in agrahara

8. Consider the following rulers: A. Bimbisara B. Chandragupta Maurya C. Ashoka D. Rudradaman

Who among them are associated with the Sudarsana Lake? a) A and C b) B and D c) B, C, and D d) A, B, C and D

9. The famous temple of Kailasa, hewn out of the rock, is at A. Elephanta B. Mahabalipuram C. Ellora D. Badami

10. Consider the following inscription of Harsha: A. Nalanda B. Gaya C. Banskheda D. Damodar

The inscriptions which record Harsha’s landgrants to religious institutions would include a) A, B and D b) A and C c) B and C d) B and D

Answer: 1. C) Prakrit 2. C) A and C 3. C) Nirpakama 4. C) Ayyana-mahadevi 5. B) B, C, and D 6. C) Rudra I 7. D) An assembly of adult men in agrahara 8. C) B, C and D 9. C) Ellora 10. B) A and C

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