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NIOS Class 12th Sociology Book

Download NIOS Class 12th Sociology (331) Book
Chapter 1 – An Introduction of SociologyChapter 17 – Factors of Social change
Chapter 2 – Emergence and Development of sociologyChapter 18 – Processes of Social Change
Chapter 3 – Sociology: Its Relationships with other social SciencesChapter 19 – Socialization
Chapter 4 – Methods and Techniques of Research in SociologyChapter 20 – Social Control
Chapter 5 – Society, Community, Association and InstitutionChapter 21 – Social Deviance
Chapter 6 – Social GroupsChapter 22 – Society and Our Environment
Chapter 7 – Social Structure and Social SystemChapter 23 – Indian Social Thinkers
Chapter 8 – Norms and ValuesChapter 24 – Unity and Diversity
Chapter 9 – Status and RoleChapter 25 – National Integration: concept and Challenge
Chapter 10 – Cooperation, Competition and ConflictChapter 26 – India Society: Tribal, Rural and Urban
Chapter 11 – Acculturation, Askimilation & IntegrationChapter 27 – Caste System in India
Chapter 12 – MarriageChapter 28 – Major Religious communities in India
Chapter 13 – FamilyChapter 29 – Major Social Problems of India
Chapter 14 – KinshipChapter 30 – Problems of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Chapter 15 – Economy, Polity and ReligionChapter 31 – Problems of other Deprived Sections
Chapter 16 – Social Stratification: Hierarchy, Differentiation and Inequality 

Optional Module – 1:

Chapter 32 – Historical and Cultural PerspectiveChapter 34 – Problem of Women
Chapter 33 – Gender DiscriminationChapter 35 – Quest for Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Optional Module – 2:

Chapter 32 – Culture: Concept and CharacteristicsChapter 34 – Cultural Pluralism
Chapter 33 – Indian Cultural HeritageChapter 35 – Media and Culture

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